Depression also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression is a very common and serious mental health issue if remain untreated. Depression negatively impacts mood and causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It can lead to various kind of emotional and physical problems that directly affect day to day functions. As per WHO depression is a very common issue worldwide.


depression is a very complex disease that’s why the exact cause is still unknown. But there are various causes that often combine to trigger depression, such as-

Stressful Events- Some stressful events like bereavement or a relationship breakdown can increase the risk to develop depression.

Personality- Personality traits also can cause depression. Some traits are like low self esteem or being overly self-critical.

Family History- Family history also plays an important role and if a person has a family history of depression, then that person might develop depression if fall in that kind of condition in life.

Pregnancy- Some women might develop postnatal depression due to new life responsibilities and hormonal changes.

Others- Loneliness, alcohol, drugs and serious medical condition that affect brain.


·         Trouble in concentrating

·         Changes in appetite

·         Pessimism and hopelessness

·         Restlessness

·         Sad, empty and loneliness feeling

·         Aches, headaches or cramps

·         Suicidal thought

·         Feeling of guilt or worthlessness.


Though depression can be a serious issue but it can be treated as well. Some treatments are-

Self-help- Care by own like exercise, getting enough sleep, spending time with family and friends, speak heart out to family and friends

Psychiatric counseling helps to cope up with the problem

Medication and Meditation.




